This weekend started out with a BANG!! Thursday I was able to see on of my best friends and old roomies Steph since her uncle was getting married here in Logan. Itwas fun seeing her and getting to catch up! It reminded me how much I love her!
Then one of my good friends Andy decided to take a couple days off of working down at Zion's to come visit! We met up for the midnight drag races in Magna on Friday night. Lainey and Steve joined us as well as my little sister and her friend. Even Art came along.
One of my best friends Monika was getting married on Saturday morning so Andy and I headed back up to Logan after the drags-because of construction we made it up here around 4:15-4:30 in the morning! I had to be at the temple for the wedding at 9:30 so it was pretty crazy. I had so much fun though with 18 kids all under 15! Monika and Steve were glowing! It was an amazing experiance that I wouldn't ever trade. The open house was wonderful and the happy couple got on the road.
Saturday afternoon Andy and I got to hang out and even took a nice walk around campus. The girls from upstairs came down and watched a movie with us and then we all kind of passed out. It was really nice being able to go to the ward up here for a change. I have really missed some of the great people up here!
All in all it was a wonderful weekend!